
Where is aggregate used?

Even if we don't think about how we use stone, sand and gravel on a regular basis, we're still using them every day in some form or another.

Sure we use sand, stone and gravel to build things like roads, houses, schools, hospitals, playgrounds, baseball diamonds, subway tunnels, and bridge abutments, but beyond these obvious uses is a whole host of lesser-known uses for aggregate. For example, did you know that glass, make-up, paint, toothpaste, household cleaners, pharmaceuticals, baby powder and even chewing gum are also made with some form of aggregate?

Even things like our water filtration and sewage systems use crushed stone, sand and gravel. It really is everywhere, even if we can't see it at first.

The aggregate industry is essential to building strong communities across Ontario.

In addition to hospitals, schools, roads, houses and shopping malls, aggregate creates good jobs and careers in communities across Ontario.

7,000 people in Ontario work directly in the aggregate industry - often creating important employment in smaller or rural locations.

The aggregate industry is also an essential input to the construction industry - creating another 300,000 jobs in Ontario. 

Likely, someone you know or are related to makes their living as a result of the aggregate industry. 

The aggregate industry contributes to local municipalities through licence fees and the aggregate levy, and is currently working with all levels of government on legislation and regulation reforms that will better reflect the needs of municipalities.