ProgressIVE Rehabilitation Award
The Progressive Rehabilitation Award recognizes the ongoing efforts of individual operators to progressively rehabilitate their sites in accordance with their site plans.
Walker Aggregates Inc.
Town of Saugeen ShoreS
Town Plans
While initial rehabilitation plans called for the Lamont Pit to be returned to agricultural use, an agreement with the Town of Saugeen in 2017 sparked new plans to transform the pit into public recreational lands. Seeding and sloping have taken place throughout the years, and more recently, work was done on the west portion of the pit where the town is planning to develop sports fields.
Re-pUrposing for the future
Rehabilitation efforts on this portion of the pit have included placing topsoil at an average depth of 150 to 200 mm, creating side slopes with 4:1 to 3:1 grades, and seeding of the pit slopes. The pit floor has not been tilled given the proposed plans to use it as a recreational site. Harold Sutherland Construction Ltd. (Walker Aggregates Inc.) and site stakeholders have also agreed not to seed the pit floor since the town will re-grade and re-purpose the pit to accommodate various types of sports fields.