The Biodiversity Award honours OSSGA members for their contribution to sustaining biodiversity through species protection, habitat improvement and sustainable land use activities. They are also recognized for conserving biodiversity in a way that goes well beyond regulatory standard practices and typical activities undertaken by the industry. Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy, 2011 was central to the development of the award criteria. Each eligible project must demonstrate support for one or more of the following strategic directions: engaging people, reducing threats, enhancing resilience, and improving knowledge.
Miller Aggregates
2021 | Village of Braeside
Bowmanville QUarry
St Marys Cement
2015 | Municipality of Clarington
Uxbridge Regan Pit
Lafarge Canada inc.
2020 | Township of Uxbridge
Oro-Medonte Cluster
Lafarge Canada Inc.
2017 | Township of Oro-Medonte